So we were informed it was going to make life a lot easier for us. No more hustling, no middle men, no bribes and we would actually get the real deal. That sounded so awesome and we were looking forward to it. So I tried the first time it came up in April 2015 and it did not work for me. I figured it might have been on pilot so I could try later and it would work for me too. After a long wait I decided to try it again after Joy FM’s news item on the subject again in October 2017. It looked like nothing really had changed on their website for the past year or so. Some tabs were not working and most especially the “company registration” bit was not working either. I spent a long time trying to figure out and soon it was getting frustrating. I know in instances like this your next thought and place of refuge would be customer support but guess what? They do not exist here. That reminded me that the first time I tried to go through a registration (2015) I sent a mail to th...