Remote Working: The new "normal"

Our world has seen and gone through so much this past couple of months. Individually, there have been some significant results both negative and positive and I believe every inhabitant of this earth have had their own share in this occurrence. We have done so well I must say in most of the practical things we did for and to each other in order to protect ourselves and keep each other alive. Most countries all over the world decided if even against their wish for one reason or the other that it was better for citizens to stay locked in their homes to stay protected. Whiles those who begun have had significant results are still keeping to it, I cannot say that for my home country. Many have lost their lives, jobs, families, livelihoods and all. Others continue to thrive through these trying times. Some employers made very bold and difficult decisions which affected employees and stakeholders either positively and or negatively. Those who were able, were provided with mean...